Timed Trials | Motivosity

I led the creation of a Timed Trials solution, revolutionizing how customers trial add-ons. This Angular2 project streamlined the user experience with a seamless sign-up process, dynamic displays, and an integration with our internal tool to provide departmental insights.

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React Website

Created a complete website transformation for Motivosity, dedicated to marketing and client interactions. This ground-up initiative involved a complete redesign, solidifying Motivosity's brand identity.

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Company Health Scores

As the backend engineer for this project, I integrated Java, AngularJS, and SQL to efficiently generate internal health scores to provide valuable insights into our customers. This resulted in customer success allowing swift assessments of company status and proactive engagement with at-risk clients.

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Additional Work

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Financial Advisor Mobile App

This Angular & Ionic mobile app provided financial advisors with a powerful tool to efficiently manage client portfolios.

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Encircle React Native App

This project reflects my proficiency in mobile app development, combining technology stacks to deliver a feature-rich application in support of Encircle's invaluable services for the LGBT+ community.

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CMS Corporate Website

This corporate website redesign was built with a popular CMS to allow non technical users easy resource creation.

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