React Website

Project Overview

As the sole developer, I took the helm in creating a transformative new website for Motivosity, dedicated to marketing and client interactions. This ground-up initiative involved a complete redesign, shaping Motivosity's brand identity through strategic collaboration with a copywriter and a UI designer. includes essential pages and features, including a comprehensive product overview, resource center, dynamic careers page, conversion-centric landing pages, and a pricing section complete with custom calculators. Constant enhancements through A/B testing ensure an optimal user experience. the website not only adheres to Google's web standards but also ensures a great user experience because of reponsive design and mobile optimizations.

Tech Overview

I orchestrated the creation of the static website using React, Angular, and GraphQL, ensuring a robust and versatile architecture. The choice of AWS Amplify for CI/CD pipeline and deployment streamlined the development process. Integrations with New Relic and HubSpot, coupled with CSS animations, enriched the user interface and elevated performance. This tech-driven solution is a testament to my ability to lead and execute a project successfully, collaborating seamlessly with a team.

Since this website was built with React & Gatsby, I leveraged key React features such as component-based architecture, lifecycle hooks, virtual DOM for optimal performance, and reusable components for a scalable and maintainable codebase. Communication of technical aspects with stakeholders was a priority, ensuring a shared understanding of the project's intricacies and fostering a collaborative environment for success.

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